How To Join RAOA
Richmond Apartment Owners Association Membership is available for any owner or manager of one or more rental units, and/or vendors of goods or services, who are interested in having a voice in their future in the City of Richmond and surrounding areas.
RAOA offers three types of memberships. The regular membership is for owners, managers and/or investors in the rental housing industry. Our associate membership is for products and service companies who serve the apartment industry in their daily business. Both types of membership enjoy all the benefits our Association provides. Lastly, our apprenticeship membership is for those who are just starting out in the real estate business and would like to learn more before joining the association. Please contact the RAOA office for more information.
26 Reasons to Join RAOA Now! - CLICK HERE
Please see the dues schedule and two applications below: one application is for regular membership and one is for associate membership. Please fill one of the applications out completely and return it with the appropriate amount of dues and mail it to the RAOA office. If you do not have a sponsoring member one will be assigned to you. Your application will be processed and a member of our membership committee will contact you.
Application for Owner/Manager Membership - CLICK HERE
Application for Associate Membership - CLICK HERE
RAOA 2018 Dues Schedule
We look forward to welcoming you as a member of the Richmond Apartment Owners Association and if you have any questions or need help
completing your application please do not hesitate to contact us.
Already a Member? Want to Renew Your RAOA Membership Dues?
Please fill out the membership renewal form below along with the dues invoice to mail in with your payment.
Renewal Application for Owner/Manager Membership - CLICK HERE
Renewal Application for Associate Membership - CLICK HERE
RAOA 2018 Dues Invoice - CLICK HERE
Are you an Associate Member who is interested in Advertising?
Please see the information below.
RAOA Monthly Advertising Opportunity - CLICK HERE
RAOA offers three types of memberships. The regular membership is for owners, managers and/or investors in the rental housing industry. Our associate membership is for products and service companies who serve the apartment industry in their daily business. Both types of membership enjoy all the benefits our Association provides. Lastly, our apprenticeship membership is for those who are just starting out in the real estate business and would like to learn more before joining the association. Please contact the RAOA office for more information.
26 Reasons to Join RAOA Now! - CLICK HERE
Please see the dues schedule and two applications below: one application is for regular membership and one is for associate membership. Please fill one of the applications out completely and return it with the appropriate amount of dues and mail it to the RAOA office. If you do not have a sponsoring member one will be assigned to you. Your application will be processed and a member of our membership committee will contact you.
Application for Owner/Manager Membership - CLICK HERE
Application for Associate Membership - CLICK HERE
RAOA 2018 Dues Schedule
We look forward to welcoming you as a member of the Richmond Apartment Owners Association and if you have any questions or need help
completing your application please do not hesitate to contact us.
Already a Member? Want to Renew Your RAOA Membership Dues?
Please fill out the membership renewal form below along with the dues invoice to mail in with your payment.
Renewal Application for Owner/Manager Membership - CLICK HERE
Renewal Application for Associate Membership - CLICK HERE
RAOA 2018 Dues Invoice - CLICK HERE
Are you an Associate Member who is interested in Advertising?
Please see the information below.
RAOA Monthly Advertising Opportunity - CLICK HERE
RAOA Own/Manage (1-300) $125.00
RAOA Own/Manage (301-1000) $150.00
RAOA Own/Manage (1000+) $225.00
RAOA Associate/Vendor
$225.00 |