General Meeting Speakers:
Think Tank TopicsIf you have any questions or would like to suggest a future topic, please contact our Think Tank chair: Richard Jones 971-8596.
2018 January: Tenant Screening and Leasing February: Sub Leasing March: Renters Insurance April: Dealing with Stressful Situations May: Community Housing Problems and Section 8 June: Contractors Part 1 July: Contractors Part 2 Aug: NO MEETING -Vacation time Sept: Form Letters To Add To Leases Oct: Preventative Maintenance Issues Nov: Dec: NO MEETING Past Think Tank Topics: 2017 January: Leases and How Newly Passed Laws Apply February: Financing Properties March: Long Term Consequences of Owning Properties and Exit Strategies April: Maintenance Issues May: Maintaining Tenants June: Contractors July: Turnovers Aug: NO MEETING -Vacation time Sept: Maintenance Scheduling for Spring and Fall Oct: Outside Maintenance Issues Nov: Property Management Software and Issues Dec: NO MEETING 2016 January: Titling Property and Insurance Issues February: Contractors March: Improvements that increase rental value April: Advertising Vacancies. May: Leasing Issues. June: The Turnover July: Exterior Maintenance Aug: NO MEETING -Vacation time Sept: Section 8 Housing topic Oct: Mr. Landlord Nov: Using Agents and Internet to Find Properties Dec: NO MEETING 2015 January: Tenant Management Issues February: Cancelled due to weather March: Leases and Lease Clauses April: Advertising and Filling Vacancies May: Tax Issues & Office Management June: The move out July: Contractor List Update, don't forget to bring your list of competent contractors! August: No meetings in August! September: Eviction Topics October: Creative Selling Techniques November: Automatic Rent Deposits, Rent Collection December: No Think Tank in December. Happy Holidays! 2014 December: No Think Tank in December. Happy Holidays! November: No Think Tank in November October: Contractors September: Follow-up on Mr Landlord meeting August: No Meetings in August! July: Electronic Rent Deposits June: Lead Based Paint May: Follow-up from April General Meeting with Gary Ackerman April: Ideas for Maximizing Your Advertising March: Dealing with Pet Issues February: Tips for Appealing Your Assessment January: Notices to Vacating Tenants 2013 December: No Think Tank in December. Happy Holidays! November: Preparing Property For Sale & Exchange October: Purchasing Property With IRA September: Contractors, Good & Bad August: There will be no meetings in August! July: Business Aspects (Maintenance, Collections, Accounts etc.) June: Business Protection–Legal Aspects (Umbrella or LLC) May: Filling Vacancies April: Commercial and Residential Modular Building Construction March: Value Added by Upgrades and Renovations February: Lease and Lease Clauses January: Book Club 2012 December: No Think Tank November: "Book Club - Suggestions Appreciated" October: "Protocol for Screening Tenant & Analyzing Credit Reports" September: "Handbook for Tenants" August: No Meetings in the month of August July: No Think Tank June: "Special Causes in Leases" Things you never thought of! May: Fire Insurance Costs and Coverage, Share your Information! April: Handling Neighbor's Complaints: "Guidelines / Involvement / 911" March: Bring your check-out sheets and share your check-out process February: How to Handle Pest Control: "Tenant vs. Landlord" January: Innovations for Apartment Door Locks...Are we Outdated? |